AGROFORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY by Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets through Digitising Agroforestry by AI-based Mobile App and SaaS product.


Developing a Real forestry mobile app that Digitises Agroforestry.

AGROFORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY by Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets through Digitising Agroforestry by AI-based Mobile App and SaaS product.

   Real Forest app is an agroforestry-based social networking app, that digitises agroforestry and enriches the life of small farmers and landowners, by accessing the basic agroforestry tree information and IoT data, that are smart contracted digitally through mobile technology.

   Granting access to Carbon Credits to Tree owners and connecting them to Nationalised Carbon Utility Institutions through Voluntary Carbon Market and Sustainable finance with the decentralised high-quality data feed Block chaining Decentralized finance (Defi) systems, to build a Cloud based digital Carbon sink data used for research on Climate protection as Environment Sustainability systems and Sustainable Agroforestry business practices digitally.

   Real forestry application acquires digital Tree data from the local and regional Agro Farmers, Landowners and green initiators mobile device through Real forestry application together with the IoT details of microclimate, local forestry temperature, rainfall, humidity and drought with surrounding heat effect through mobile technology that is analysed, machine-learned, compared with Sangam Land Properties or Area based ancient agroforestry properties inputs with deep learning through Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to create scalable TREE AI module which can be relied on to AGROFORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY.

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) on forestry Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM)

The impacts of climate change are many and varied, and notoriously hard to predict with great accuracy. However, one impact is beyond doubt; the climate change debate has brought forests to the forefront of the international development agenda.

Forests have acquired a new value as one of the planet’s most important stores of carbon, thus helping to ensure that levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), the most abundant greenhouse gas, are kept below critical levels. As with all newly-appreciated values, new markets are not far behind.

Carbon markets allow forest owners to gain recognition, and financial compensation, for the work they do to keep the forests in place and to manage them sustainably. Since the 1990s, this market has steadily taken shape, growing from simple, scattered beginnings to become a genuinely new financial innovation – the forestry Voluntary Carbon Market, or forestry VCM.

Small landholders and local communities in rural areas of the Asia-Pacific region, who control large areas of the most environmentally valuable forest areas through formal or customary systems of conventional markets for timber and other forest products, are at the greatest risk of losing out in this new market. Moreover, with incomplete or inaccurate information about the forestry VCM, they may unwittingly put their livelihoods, and their forests, at risk.

Real Forestry app digitizes the Agroforestry with small farmers’ and land owners’ mobile devices to have a successful forestry VCM decentralised transparent project with local goals, resources and abilities along with the mobile technology. With this application, the Local Forest owners, and the communities to which they belong, can retain control of the decision-making processes of VCM. The value of the forestry VCM is, after all, to be compared to the social, environmental and economic benefits on which so many rural livelihoods depend

Over 1.6 billion peoples' livelihoods depend on forests

            In addition, 750 million people live in forests, including 60 million indigenous people. Yet, we are losing them. Between 1990 and 2020, the world lost some 178 million hectares of forest, an area the size of Libya. When we take away the forest, it is not just the trees that go. The entire ecosystem begins to fall apart, with dire consequences for all of us.

            The consequences have to be analysed and notified through modern mobile technology as agroforestry digitization, to protect and produce more agroforestry systems with a sustainable environment.

            Real forestry Data Science by collecting and deep learning the agroforestry data from farmer mobile devices will provide true transparent ML/AI data to initiate the agroforestry sustainable environment

The Data Science of Real forestry application is the data analysed (AI) to build a Scalable Tree AI model with the Cubic Destroy and Restore algorithm concept with Real forestry Hexahedron method to provide sustainable Agri Farm practices and Agri digital business management strategies and to verify through the following methodologies and to have

1)     a transparency Tree Carbon Sequestration data, for small farmers’ sustainable living

2)     a Non duplicated digital Tree collection data, for environmentally sustainable

3)     an Open sourced marketable Co2e trading data that are digitally audited and Block chained,

4)     a trusted mobile platform that connects agroforestry farmers and Voluntary Carbon Credit markets.

Working together to have an impact on Climate Change by decentralizing and digitizing the Carbon Credit of Agroforestry trees through the mobile app to create a Transparent TREE AI module through the Real Forestry app.


 Real forest app methodologies for collecting Voluntary Carbon Credits of Agroforestry Trees and Tree Research science data for climate protection along AGROFORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY.


1)     Acquiring XYZ data of Tree Height, Volume and Carbon sequestration by mobile accelerometer and gyroscope technology, being X as the base point of the Tree, Z as the top endpoint of the Tree and Y the distance of a Tree from mobile AI BASED FOCUS PEAKING technology.                                                                                    



 2)      Acquiring XYZ data of Tree Bark @DBH, being X and Y parallel line with Diameter fitting Tree bark @DBH and Z the distance of a Tree bark @DBH from mobile (Step count mobile technology). Capturing the Tree Bark images of a Tree and block chaining AI trained Tree bark images as Tree Tag-ID Data. 

AI-based tree bark identification,

 Block Chaining Tree collection digital data

Acquiring Tree placement data through Post Graph Optimisation D-SLAM technology of mobile phones and converting those data to precise non-duplication data of Tree placing with the consolidation of Tree Tagging on a Digital mapping like google maps. 

4)  Acquiring Tree imaging data such as Tree whole image, bark image, leaves image and crown image through Phenotype technology and machine learning those data to have colouring acquisition and surface measurement of Tree parts such as Dry woods, Leaves, Flowers & Fruits

5)     Acquiring Carbon labelling data of Trees through RGB Photometric technology of mobile capture images analysis and machine learning on the whole data set to know climate change concepts. 

6)     Acquiring LiDAR data of dense agroforestry through low-cost LiDAR device and analysing the data through Sparse point cloud technology 

 7)     Acquiring pixel data of Tree image captures from the web1 platform to place a 3d block data of tree images on the web3 platform, so that to create an agroforestry metaverse from the image data collected from the mobile devices of the farmers.

Connecting Agroforestry Tree Data Science as The Convolutional Neural Networks concept by sharing the agroforestry parameters to provide digital and analysed information on Healthy Soil, Water Source, Flooding prevention, Drought effects and protection, Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Encouragement, by following processing digitalization of

   Agroforestry Farmers and Land Owners Tree Voluntary Carbon Credit Crypto Data from Real Forest mobile to create a Block Chain Crypto Data Niyantr’.

   Validation of Crypto Voluntary Carbon Credit (VCC) data by Agricultural Research scientists and Forestry scholars through Real Forest app smart contracts

   Crypto Tree VCC of Real Forest Tree Carbon Sink as of SINGAPORE EXCHANGE (SGX) and to be accepted in the CLIMATE IMPACT EXCHANGE (CIX) (taken as a model process)

   Open-Sourced transparent TREE VCC crypto trading platform that connects sellers and buyers through Real Forest app Defi system (Crypto based Decentralized finance Block chain) through CIX Platform

  Validation of TREE crypto Data and developing TREE AI model with its cubic algorithms that are to be researched and developed the QUBIT-based AI ALGORITHM AND TECHNOLOGIES for Tree extract science research data that can provide solutions for Climate Change.

8)  Acquiring Tree Transpiration Data from Tree Bark surroundings at chest height with photoplethysmography (ppg) Technology through Piezoelectric signals as picked up through mobile device camera as per of Human hand procedure PPG mobile app, is followed on Tree Bark Transpiration data collection for long term machine learning of Tree data.

Piezoelectric pickup of Human hand procedure is followed on Tree Bark Transpiration data collection for research on Tree Communication through Tree AI model

We are shaping our agroforestry for high yields, food security and Carbon Credit decentralised sustainable digital receipts through Artificial Intelligence-basedtree'sAI-based digitization. Real forestry Climate research TREE AI module rewards a different and very important goal: Tree health, soil health, tracking and connecting digitally the tree local surrounding climate with international agroforestry digital data. By helping farmers measure their agroforestry ecosystem health and diversity, their goal is to store even more carbon in the Trees and the ground. Real forestry Digitizing Agroforestry through AI based mobile technology on scaling Climate solutions through scalable TREE AI.

How to listen to plants: The technology to hear plant bubbles explode is actually quite simple. Acoustic sensors designed to detect cracks in bridges and buildings catch the ultrasonic pops. A piezoelectric pickup, the same as an electric guitar pickup, goes through an amplifier to an oscilloscope that measures the waveform of each pop. The acoustic sensor is pricey, Real forestry app does it through the mobile app based on photoplethysmography technology.

Afforestation -The deliberate conversion of non-forest land to forest. This only applies to land that has not been forested for at least 50 years. Afforestation is always caused by humans, one way or another, for example by planting, seeding or assisted natural regeneration.

Real Forest app with its Google timeline technology, surveys digitally the non-forest land and suggests to the nearby Farmers, Agro landowners and green initiators to plant trees accordingly to VCM standards to create Afforestation with Carbon pool digital data.

Agricultural Land Management (ALM) -These projects aim to reduce net Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from croplands and grasslands by increasing the carbon stocks in one or more carbon pools, such as soil organic carbon or above-ground woody biomass. They may be considered a type of forest carbon project under the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) if they involve the planting or management of trees on croplands or grasslands.

Real Forestry app with its Sangam Land Properties deep learning system suggests farmers and land owners with the local based ancient agroforestry data on plantations and its management accordingly to forest carbon projects together with climate mitigations.

Afforestation, Reforestation & Re-vegetation (ARR) A type of forest carbon project in which trees are planted either (1) in areas that did not have forest before, (2) in areas that have not been forest for at least 10 years, or (3) on areas that need vegetation to be re-planted for rehabilitation purposes.

Real Forestry app with its above two methodologies Google timeline and Sangam land AI data creates a Digitised Agroforestry Sandbox that provides digital data related to ARR through mobile phones along with the agriculture IOT data that are updated to the blockchain through smart contracts.

Carbon Credit A common term used to describe the basic unit of the VCM. A project can claim a carbon credit when one metric ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of other GHGs4 is removed from the atmosphere or is prevented from being emitted in the first place. Carbon credits are therefore counted in units of ‘one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent’ (tCO2 e).

Real Forestry app with its mobile Gyro- Accelerometer technology together with Augment Reality measures height, bark width and canopy area of a Tree to calculate its Mass (Volume) and Carbon Sequestration to create a Cloud-based Carbon Sink with Carbon Credit of Agroforestry trees.

Carbon Footprint The amount of GHGs resulting from an individual’s activities is known as their carbon footprint. Carbon footprints can also be calculated for a household, a company or an organization by adding up the emissions caused by the use of power and transport and the consumption of food and manufactured products.

Real Forestry app collects the user footprint data from daily tracking APIs and manual inputs through Smart Contracts Oracles and creates a Carbon Footprint of Real forestry app users.

Carbon Offset A carbon credit (one tCO2 e of emission reductions) generated through activities in one place may be ‘sold’ to individuals or organizations unconnected with those activities. The buyer of this carbon credit claims to have compensated, or ‘offset’, an equal amount of emissions generated from their activities. The VCM is essentially a market in carbon offsets.

Real Forestry apps Block Chain based Carbon Sink with Carbon pool data that are collected through Hexagonal AI based Cubed Algorithmic mobile technologies to have true data with transparency and non-duplication data collections, deducting leakage Carbon data and unethical data to create a Real Forestry Carbon Offset, were purchases or sales of Carbon Credit are done with Crypto Transactions.

Types of forestry VCM project on the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS),

1. ARR – Afforestation, Reforestation and Re-vegetation;

 2. IFM – Improved Forest Management; and

3. REDD – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.


The four main standards in the VCM:

• Verified Carbon Standard (VCS);

• Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standard;

• Carbon Fix; and • Plan Vivo.

            Real Forestry app with its AI-based mobile technology data collection of Agroforestry Tree from each farmer, Agro landowners and green initiators, picks the VCM project and its Standards that are preferable for both the Carbon credit sellers (farmers) and buyers (Carbon emitters) to have a low-cost expense method with a higher return on Carbon Credit Transaction on a Web3 platform as an Agroforestry metaverse.

                  Real Forestry app and SaaS product are working on the possibilities of accounting and registering Carbon Credits of Agroforestry Trees of Farmers and Land Owners through the above Methodologies with the help of EPIC SUSTAINABILITY Managing Director and Head Operations Mr H.B.Muralidhar, (auditors of - and allowing transparent tradable Tree Carbon Sink crypto platform to benefit agroforestry farmer and Land owner sustainable living through Carbon Credit Direct Cashing.

         for reference of the methodologies to optimize with VCC agroforestry Tree of farmers and land owners.



         Beta Version)


The Real forestry app provides transparent Tree Volume and Tree mass data to Carbon Credit trading dealers as of below.

Consultant for VERRA-based Voluntary Carbon Market

Verified Carbon Market Certification bodies

Voluntary Carbon standards auditors



Tree measuring application for calculation of Tree Volume & Mass as of,

Real Forest app is now in the stage of minimum value product app and is researched under the tech knowledge support of Ramco Institute of Technology College, where each module of the app is accredited by PhD researchers in the area of Artificial Intelligent and Data Science Machine learning, Mechatronics, Electronic and Electrical Science research departments. and are trailed out by a few of our Raja nursery Agro farmers and Agro landowner of mango forest customers, who are with us for decades. The real forest app project is also supported by Dr A Arunachalam Director at ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute.

Real Forest app’s mobile technology and its AI algorithm are researched under the guidance of:

DR. R. VENKATRAJ (IIT DELHI) (initiated us on Low-cost LiDAR device image mapping)

Dr L.Ganesan, B.E., M.E., PhD IIT, Kharagpur. Principal RIT (Initiated us on Farmer’s life enrichment through digitisation)

Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran, B.E., M.E., Ph.D. (RIT innovation club)

Dr S.Kannan, BOYSCAST Fellow, B.E., M.E., PhD (Madurai Kamaraj) ( Power System Engineering)

Dr K.Vijayalakshmi, B.E., M.E., PhD (Anna University, Chennai) (Genetic algorithm, Networks)

Dr S.Periyanayagi B.E., M.E., PhD (Anna University, Chennai) (Wireless technology)

Dr M.Kaliappan, B.E., M.E., PhD (Anna University, Chennai) (Artificial Intelligence & Bigdata analytics)

Dr S.Vairaprakash, B.E., M.E., Ph.D (Anna University, Chennai)  (Image processing)

Dr M.Gomathy Nayagam, B.E., M.E., PhD (Anna University, Chennai)  (Grid and Cloud Computing, Computer Vision Algorithms and Networking)

Dr K.Karthikeyan, B.E., M.E., PhD (Kalasalingam University) ( Power System Engineering)

And supported by:

Pothirasan,B.E.,M.E., Ph.D. (Kalasalingam University)

Real Forestry application science data acquired through mobile technology are to be authenticated by ICAR-CAFRI and to obtain those tree data, a blockchain-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) mobile application is to be developed.

Registered Private self-help group formed under the guidance of Green India mission


Project Design under the Control of Green India mission

Under the control of ICAR CAFRI and the Indian Carbon exchange mission

Consultant: KMS GROUP –


Tree Data authorised by Forestry Institution and Green India mission.

Tree Carbon Credit Digitised by Real Forestry app through farmers and Agro landlord mobile devices

Krish Hortus - the art of caring for plants   


Contact: 9443854458
































































































































































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